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JKS England Black and Brown belt Course, 18/1/2015

The first JKS England black and brown belt training session of 2015 took place on Sunday 18th January at Djanogly City Academy Sports Hall in Nottingham. Over eighty students gathered for the two hour session taught by Steve Carless 6th Dan.

The day began with the introduction of senior instructor Lyndon Davies Sensei 6th Dan, who has recently joined JKS Wales. This was then followed by an excellent warm up by JKS England team member and current European JKS Kata champion Craig Williams 3rd Dan.

Steve Sensei kicked off the session in traditional new year style with some high repetition sonoba-kihon exercises. The session then moved on to focus on Mawashi geri with some specific exercises to isolate and work the correct muscle groups involved with this kick, before practising the kick itself and within a combination with a partner.

The focus then moved onto work around Kokutsu dachi, both individually and with a partner focusing on the many things to consider when executing as well as understanding and creating the right feeling moving from the core. The final part of the session was focused on kata with both Bassai Dai and Jiin practised.

Also held on the day at the conclusion of the Black and Brown belt sessions was instructor training, led by Steve Carless Sensei plus a re-take Dan grade examination with Alan Campbell Sensei for students who had to perform elements of the grading again.

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