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A.S.K.A Gradings March 4, 2017

Well done to all who attended the recent Akashi Gradings. Congratulations to those who passed, and to those who were not successful on this occasion, you came back... good for you! I would like to thank every black belt who made the effort to attend, and help out on the day, it was greatly appreciated! Please remember that gradings will become increasingly more difficult, and each and every student need to attend classes and start working toward your next grading now!

Control in Class!

The above picture is me with former Sensei, Randolf Williams, a former World, European Medalist, and many times British Kumite Champion. This is the guy who truly taught me how to fight! The picture also shows what Kumite should look and feel like. I trained many, many years under this exceptional Karate-Ka, and I can honestly say, he never hurt me once, and above all, always showed great control in class. My reason for showing the picture, mentioning “Control” is that a few incidents have recently occurred where two Akashi members have been a little heavy handed in class. As A.S.K.A Chief Instructor, The solution is an easy one for me to deal with. Parents and students rely on me, and the good name of our Dojo for their safety in class, and it is something I will always support 100%. If a student is warned about their control, and continue this, I will simply remove the student. Yes we are practicing a Martial Art, yes we do punch and Kick each other, however, everything we practice in class, we practice with..control. We have all worked so hard to get the Association to the stage it is today. A.S.K.A is a thriving Dojo, which is moving forward at a tremendous pace. There are so many opportunities for our members, other Karate-Ka in Leeds want to be a part of it! Since my correct decision to leave the WTKO last year, go independent, and form A.S.K.A, we have gone from strength to strength. 3 members from our Dojo: Ian Gallagher Sensei (Referee), Shelly Collinson (Competitor), and myself (FEKO England Coach) , have been selected to represent FEKO in April at this years WUKF European Championships being held in Romania. I am now also part of the FEKO Executive Committee. This is not about Ian Sensei, Shelly Sensei, or myself, it is about us all moving forward and making A.S.K.A the Dojo others want to join. Please, do not allow our hard work to be undone....Control!

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