We are extremely proud to host Kita
waga Sensei. Until recently he was the head of the JKS in America, but has just left. For over 30 years he was the right-hand man of Nagaki Sensei 8th Dan, the head of the JKS in Ehime Prefecture in Japan (and father of Shinji Nagaki).
We are extremely proud to host Kitawaga Sensei. Until recently he was the head of the JKS in America, but has just left. For over 30 years he was the right-hand man of Nagaki Sensei 8th Dan, the head of the JKS in Ehime Prefecture in Japan (and father of Shinji Nagaki).
12.00pm-1.30pm (all grades)
1.45pm-3.15pm (black and brown belt only)
Training Fee: 1 Session £10 Both Sessions £15